Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Single Parent's Rates

I was doing some filming last week and met a lovely makeup artist who'd recently split from her husband, she had two young kids. She felt a bit confused about what suited her and felt she wasted money on clothes that weren't quite right. She was interested in booking a consultation, I said I'd do her my single parent rates. It totally got me thinking that I definitely want to do discounted rates for single parents, because this is one of reasons I became a personal stylist.

I'd been a stylist in my London life before and after my daughter was born. Then I moved down to Brighton when she was seven months. Six months later it was clear the marriage was over. Divorce is never a nice thing, so at times I felt like total rubbish but I thought I don't need to show this to everyone, so I made a big effort to wear a fabulous outfit each day and as always do my hair and put lipstick on. I started to feel good, my confidence returned, I started to meet new people, life started to get really good, and I met a fabulous man. I think this all happened because I took control of who I was and how I wanted to be. My way to do this was through clothes. 

I've decided to do special rates for single parents, because I want to help empower people when times are tough and money is tight. Please contact me for details of those rates and I'd be extraordinarily happy if you'd share or retweet this, thank you :o) 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Interview with Michelle, owner of Tramps in Brighton

Q. What makes someone stylish?
A. Not being afraid to take risks. How they mix and match, the freedom of choosing what they want to wear, not what they think they should wear.

Q. Do you think clothes are expression, armor, to flatter you or utilitarian?
A. They can be all that and more. It's important to feel at ease and great in what you wear.

Q. Do you have favourite go to looks/outfits?
A. Denim skinnies or flares. 60's pea coats or military style coats. Heels and a 60's/70's blouse.

Q. What's your trademark feature?
A. Boho hippy chick and rock chick thrown in for good measure.

Q. Do you have a style/decade you have an affinity with?
A. Late 60's, 70's and early 80's.

Q. Do you have regular clear outs?
A. Yes I have a big turnover of clothes, I'm a fashion junky.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Can anyone draw 2

Yesterday I had my first drawing lesson from Paul, we started with a face. Paul drew an egg shape and showed me where eyes, nose and mouth should go. I was very surprised and it felt strange drawing the eyes in the middle of the egg shape. We looked at Holbein's sketches and Paul showed me the importance of an individual's significant lines, like where your lips join and your eyelid line. I realised I just needed to focus on certain lines. Paul told me that if I draw the pupils bigger people will look kinder. I loved my first drawing lesson, I liken the small details that make great paintings to the small details that make fantastic outfits. In my first lesson I learnt that drawing's like life, it's all about where you draw the line. 

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Can Anyone Draw?

There's always been an assumption that I can draw, but I really can't. Faced with a blank piece of drawing paper and a pencil, my mind freezes and I feel frustrated and blank. So I hardly ever draw. Whist at the Biba Exhibition, Georgie wanted to do a drawing and was very insistent that I draw too. 
"Come on mum, draw!"
"Yes, I'm going to, just seeing what everyone else has done" PAUSE
Captain sub text, "oh F***, blank, how do people know what to put on the paper? Help,"
Calm self reminder "You know how to put makeup on, put it on the paper"
A remembered a reminder from Paul "You don't have to draw every line"

A basic drawing ability would help me with styling as another form of visual communication, so I've decided to take my basic one dimensional drawing and expand it, I'm not sure how but I have an idea.... 

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Yesterday we visited Charleston Farmhouse. It's been on my radar as a place I'd like to visit for a while. It completely exceeded what were already high expectations. I felt energised by the creativity of the Bloomsbury set. It seemed not only were they very talented they just did stuff. Constantly painting and creating. I loved Vanessa Bell's make do and mend attitude, creating lampshades from old blouses and a macramé radiator cover in the sitting room. The impression I got was they just had a totally fabulous creative time. 

The visit reminded me of how touched I'd felt when Paul painted this portrait of me as a birthday present, it was the first birthday we'd spent together. When I unwrapped it I had tears in my eyes because I felt so touched that Paul had wanted to paint a picture of me. 

I've been painted once before by a friend Martin. I met Martin & Keith about 12 years ago whilst working on Eastenders. They lived in North London like I did, so I used to often pop over for a cuppa tea and a chat. I didn't ever see the picture finished as Martin tragically died. I still think about Martin and what a shock it was that he went so quickly. I only knew Martin briefly but I'm sending a thought out to those who knew him well.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

A very full tart

Yum! last night I cooked a very full tart from The Plenty cookbook by Ottolenghi. It was absolutely delicious and I had it for my lunch today too, double yum! Cx

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Resourceful Stylist

Recently we went to the school quiz night. I'm not generally very good at quizzes, but it's fun to do something different and at least I knew a few of answers. But clothes accident struck. Whist eating the fish and chips I spilt tartar sauce on my silk top. Arrg, my favourite, wear all the time silk top. I tried to use a stain removing wipe, but this bleached the silk... Double argg. My solution was to crop the front and wear it with my high waisted leather skirt. I'm loving this look so I'm really pleased tartar sauce jumped on my silk top.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

I cannot believe it snowed yesterday. My skin is so dry, please excuse my newly found wrinkles, apparently they're cute. This is my manicure from an almost seven year old. I'm really enjoying it, it reminds me of graffiti. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

I asked Dodie a designer, maker and mother a four if she would sit for a photograph and answer some questions, I wanted to ask about her style.

Q. What makes a person stylish?
A. Daring to be different.
Q. Do you think of clothes as expression, armor, to flatter you or utilitarian?
A. Expression and armor.
Q. How do you put an outfit together?
A. I base it on the colour I feel like wearing.
Q. Do you have favourite go to looks?
A. They all are.
Q. Do you have lounge clothes to wear to chill out?
A. Yes, PJ’s and pilate clothes.
Q. What’s your trademark feature?
A. Combining colours.
Q. Do you have a look, style or decade you have an affinity with?
A. 60’s & 70’s.
Q. Do you have regular clear outs?
A. Yearly.
Thank you so much Dodie for doing this interview with me :o). If anyone reading this thinks of someone who'd make an interesting interview then please share this with them.

Monday, 1 April 2013

                                   Me convincing Hannah of a great styling idea. 
Hannah Warwick and I getting organised for a photoshoot.